Located in one of the most beautiful areas of Southeast Arizona,
Sonoita Creek is a gift to the animals and plants that inhabit the area, and the people who live and visit there.
Research, Restore, Educate & Collaborate
Founded in 2004, Friends of Sonoita Creek (FOSC) works to protect and restore the water and natural habitat of Sonoita Creek and its watershed. We inform residents and visitors about the importance of Sonoita Creek to life forms and its relationship to the geography through hands-on activities, presentations, hikes, and financial support to kindred organizations.
Sonoita Creek flows a distance of 30 miles, above and below ground, southwest from Sonoita into the Santa Cruz River north of Nogales. The watershed drains 258 square miles, has unique geological features, seven biomes with a great diversity of plant and animal species, and vast natural beauty.
It is a cultural crossroads with protected ancient archaeology sites, a Spanish colonial past, and mining, ranching and railroad history.
FOSC is a non-profit organization and your donations are tax deductible.
The Creek